Ichiya Nakamura Ph.D.
President, iUniversity

He also serves as Project Professor at Kyoto University and Project Professor at Kyoto University, Advisor to RIKEN, Advisor to Japan eSports Union, etc.
Also known as chairman of Japanese government’s committees including Intellectual Property Committee, Pop Culture WG, etc.
Also known as president of various consortiums such as CiP Association, Digital Signage Consortium, CIRIEC, etc.
He was Professor at Keio University (2006-2020),
Executive Director at Stanford Japan Center (2002-2006),
Visiting Professor at MIT Media Laboratory (1998-2002),
and a policy maker at Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Japan (1984-1998).
Prior to joining the government, he was a director of a rock band Shonen Knife.
He wrote many books and articles such as“New Edition , Super Free Society"(2021, Yoshimoto-Books)
"Super Free Society"(2019, Yoshimoto-Books)
"Contents and National Strategy"(2013, Kadokawa-Books)
"Ichiya Nakamura's New Generation IT Business Evolution"(2011, Discovery 21), etc.


*Social Impact President 2023.10.11-
*Osaka/Kansai Expo2025,Business Incubation Support Project Team Project Reader 2023.8.17-
*RCAST, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO Information Somatics Advisor 2023.4.11-
*MIC ICT Literacy Improvement Committee Sub-Chairman 2022.11-
*MIC ICT Literacy of youth Improvement WG Member 2022.11-
*Cabinet Office Government of Japan,New Legal Issues Concerning Content in the Metaverse,Public-Private Partnership Committee Chairman 2022.11-
*Digital Policy Forum originator 2022.9-
*Association of Chiefs for Creating Vibrant Local Committee Special Advisors 2022.9-
*Nippon Sports Promotion Organization Sports Policy Research and Study Project, Management Committee Member 2022.6.1-
*DPRI,Kyoto University Project Professor 2022.6.1-
*Agency for Cultural Affairs, Culture and Economy Committee, Global Development WG Member,Vice Chairman 2022.1.7- 2023.3
*CIRIEC President 2021.12.12-
*MIC Use of Post Office Data and Way to Protect Privacy WG Member 2021.11.8-
*Kyoto University GSAIS Project Professor 2021.8.1-2022.4.30
*Shibuya Creative Town Chairman 2021.7.17-2022.12
*Digital Agency, Digital Day Committee Proxy-Chairman 2021.6-
*Data Trading Alliance Advisor 2021.6-
*JCG Co.,Ltd Senior Executive Advisor 2021.5-
*Kyotango-city CDO 2021.4.20-
*Agency for Cultural Affairs, Cultural Council Museum Section Member 2021.4.1-
*MIC Future of Postal Services in Digital Age Vice-chairman 2020.11-
*Japan esports Union (JeSU) Special Advisor 2020.9-
*Slander and Defamation Victims Support Ordinance on Internet(tentative name) committee,Gunma Member 2020.8-
*Cabinet Office Government of Japan,Design committee,Contents Sub-Committee Chairman 2020.8-
*Cabinet Office Government of Japan,Design committee,In the Digital Age Copyright System and Related Policies Task Force Chairman 2020.8-
*Agency for Cultural Affairs, Cultural Council copyright subcommitteelegal and basic policy subcommittee member 2020.7- 2023.3
*Net Safty Consortium Adviser 2020.6-
*Cabinet Office Government of Japan,IP Strategy Headquarters,Value Design Society Committee member 2020.6-
*iU President 2020.4.1-
*Consumer Affairs Agency Digitalization of consumer meeting member 2019.12-2020.8
*JeSu Activating e-Sports Committee Chairman 2019.10-2020.3
*Cabinet 0ffice Government of Japan,Design committee member 2019.7-
*MIC, New CAS Committee  Chairman 2018.12-
*MIC, Broadcasting Foundations Committee Vice-chairman 2018.11-
*Kyoto Council for making future by culture  member 2018.9-
*Cabinet Office Government of Japan,IP Strategy Headquarters,Pirate Site Task Force Co-Chairman
*Leaning of Tomorrow Executive Director 2018.5-
*Cabinet Secretariat,IP Strategy Headquarters, Vision committee member 2017.11-
*RIKEN AIP Coordinator 2017.8-
*Cabinet Secretariat, IP Strategy Headquarters,Human Resource Development Committee, member  2017.3-2018.3
*Cabinet Secretariat,IP Strategy Headquarters,Location shooting environmental improvementpublic and private committee Chairman 2017.8-2017.12
*Cabinet Secretariat, IP Strategy Headquarters,Film Promotion Committee, chairman 2016.12-2017.12
*Cabinet Secretariat, New information goods review committee chairman 2016.10-
*Cabinet Secretariat IT Strategy Headquarters, Sharing Economy Committee menmer 2016.7-
*Shibuya Creative Town Vice Chairman 2016.9-2021.7 
*Next Generation Contents Distribution Forum President 2016.5.19-
*NexCDi-F President 2016.5.19 - 2021.9.12
*Cabinet Secretariat,Tokyo Olympic and Tokyo Paralympic Policy Counselor 2016.5.1-2016.8.2
*Japan Sports Agency, Health Promotion Committee by Sports of Public and Private Partnership member 2016.4-
*Agency for Cultural Affairs,Cultural Council copyright subcommittee legal and basic problem Subcommittee member 2016.3.19-2020.6
*YOSHIMOTO KOGYO Holdings Co.,Ltd. Out of Director  2016.1.11-2023.6.29
*Cabinet Secretariat,Next Generation Intellectual Property System Committee Chairman 2015.11-
*Kyoto International Film Festival Director 2015.10-2024.3.28
*DiTT Executive director 2015.10-2019.3
*MIC PMO Project Manager 2015.7-
*Superhuman Sports Society Joint representation 2015.6-2023.3.31
*MIC Near future Session WG member 2015.6-
*MIC Urban Service Advanced Working Group  2015.5-
*MIC ICT Internet Safety TF Chairman 2015.4-2022.7
*CiP Association  President 2015.4-
*JeSPA director 2015.4-2017.11
*Digital Signage Consortium President 2015.4--
*Cabinet Cool Japan Strategy Committee member 2015.2-
*Cabinet Secretariat, Cool Japan Strategy Promotion Committee Member 2015.1-
*MIC Digital Signage WG 2014.12-
*MIC Broadcasting Contents from Local Strengthening the originating force Member 2014.10-
*Association for The Encounter between Management and Students Directer 2014.10-
*VLED director
*Superhuman Sports Committee Founder 2014.10-
*Adult program ethics committee Council member 2014.6-
*Cabinet Secretariat,Validation, evaluation and planning committee Chairman
*Cabinet Secretariat,Intellectual Property Chairman 2013.11-
*Cabinet office Government of Japan,IP Strategy Headquarters,Validation, evaluation and planning committee  Chairman 2013.11-2019.6
*Cabinet Secretariat,New Strategy Expert Committee, Regulation institutional reform subcommittees member 2013.10-
*Cabinet Secretariat,Popculture WG chairman 2013.4-
*Japan Social Game Association executive director 2012.11-2015.3
*Open Data distribution consortium Director 2012.7-
*Social Game use place adjust committee member 2012.7- 2012.2 
*MIC「Contents Overseas Development Committee」 Chairman 2012.3- 
*Cabinet Office National Strategy Committee Frontier Section Committee,Wisdom Frontier Committee member 2012.2-2012.11
*New Media Risk Association President 2012.2-
*Emakimon! Executive Producer 2011.12-
*Multi Screen Broadcast Committee counselor 2011.12- 2021.5
*Smart TV research committee President 2011.9-
*The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association Visiting researcher 2011.6-2020.3
*The Japan Commercial Broadcasters AssociationNet/Digital Biz Research Project Chairman 2011.6-
*East Japan great disaster rebirth support foundation councilor 2011.6-
*Takeo MY LibraryHonor Director 2011.4.13-
*Ohkawa Dream foundation councilor 2011.3-
*MIC Digital Contents creation and fortune power Committee Chairman 2011.2-
*MIC ICT White Paper Editing Committee Chairman 2011.2-
*METI Movie Business Environment for New life Style Committee Chairman 2011.1-
*Digital Ehon director 2011.1-2015.3
*MIC  Whitespace propulsion committe member 2010.9-
*Digital Textbook and Teaching Consortium Vice chairman 2010.7.27-
*EMA Director 2010.6- 2018.5
*MIC International standardization Storategy Committee member 2010.6-
*MEXT Communication Education Committee menber 2010.5-
*Mext School ICT Committee member 2010.4-
*MIC Digital Book Committee-Technology WG member 2010.4 - 2010.9
*Agency for Cultural Affairs Digital Book Committee-WG member 2010.4- 2010.9
*Cabinet Secretariat,Contents Strengthen Committee Chairman 2010.2- 2013.6
*Cabinet Secretariat,Competitiveness and International Standardization for Intellectual Property Committee member 2010.2- 2012.11
*MIC Contents Development Team Vice Chairman 2009.12- 2010.3
*Town Engineering Forum Chairman 2009.12 - 2010.12
*MIC ICT Forum" member 2009.12- 2010.12
*New vision of radio team member 2009.11- 2010.9
*KDDI Foundation Director 2009.10 - 2018.5
*Agency for Cultural Affairs Copy Righgt Committee,International sub-Committee,The basic problem sub-committee 2009.7-2011.7
*IPDC Forum President 2009.6-
*mixi outside director 2009.6 - 2016.10
*Digital Contents Distribution Study Group : Vice Chairman 2009.2 - 2010.3 
*Ubiquitas Net Consortium Obsever 2009.2 -
*Net Safty Consortium promoter  2009.2-
*ICT Vision Committee Contents SWG Chairman 2009.12 - 2009.3
*Ubiquitas Special Area Consortium Chairman 2008.12 - 2009.3 
*Geospatial Information Committee member 2008.11 -
*ICT Vision Committee Basic strategy WG Member 2008.11 - 2009.3
*Contents Society  Vice president 2008.10-
*Net Safty Consortium Coordinator 2008.10- 2020.6
*JP Holdings co.,ltd. Outside director 2008.7 - 2018.6
*Spaceshowernerwork co.,ltd Outside director  2008.7 -
*Internet-Rating Observation Institute Director 2008.7 - 2016.3
*Content Evaluation and Monitoring Association Member 2008.6 - 2009.6
*You Go Lab  Executive Director  2008.5 - 2015.7
*Keio University Graduate School Of Media Design Professor 2008.4 -
*Cabinet Secretariat,Digital Internet Intellectual Property System Committee: member 2008.4 - 2009.3 
*wiMAX Monitoring WG Member 2008.4-
*Media Law System WG  Member 2008.2 - 2009.6 
*Mobilecontents operational monitoring WG Vice Chairman 2007.12 - 2008.6
* Digital sinage consortium president  2007.6 -
*Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Counselor 2007.1- 2009.11
*Communications Task Force Member 2006.12- 2009
*ICT International Edge Forum Wireless WG Vice Chairman 2006.11-
*Contents Market Study Group Member 2006.11-2007.6
*Digital Contents Distribution Study Group Member 2006.10-
*Keio University DMC: Professor 2006.9- 2008.3
*Telecommunications Council Member 2006.9-2012.12
*Media Law System WG Member 2006.8-2007.12
*WG for Copyright System in NGN Society  Member 2006.6- 2007.3
*WG for Business Environment in Media Convergence Chairman 2006.6- 2007.3
*Contents Policy Forum Organizer   2005.11- 2009
*Agency for Cultural Affairs Copy Righgt Committee,International sub-Committee 2005.8-2014.7
*Japan Stanford Association Director 2005.7-
*Content Advice Mark Forum Operation Chief   2005-2007
*Local ICT Policy Study Group Organizer 2005.5- 2006.8
*Media Convergence Research Organizer 2005.3- 2008
*Satellite Broadcast Forum Member 2004.5-2005.3
*Safety Content Mark Committee Member 2004.12-2005.3
*Contents Policy Task Force  2004.12-2005.3
*Agency for Cultural Affairs Copy Righgt Committee,Legal systems problem sub-committee 2004.7-2005.7
*Agency for Cultural Affairs Copy Righgt Committee 2004.7 - 2014.7
*Nagoya University: Visiting Lecturer 2004.4
*Society for Art and Science : Trustee 2004.6-
*IFIT: Executive Director 2004.4 - 2008.6
*Popculture Archive Project member 2004.4
*Children's Creativity and Communication member 2004.4
*Kyoto Digital Kids member 2004.2
*Science Council of Japan, Didital Contents Committee member 2003.10
*Center for Entreprenurship Development fellow 2003.7
*D-Project(SJC) Coordinator 2003.5
*Project-P (RIETI/SJC) Coordinator 2003.4
*Digi-Con Project(SJC)Coordinator 2003.4
*Stanford University; visiting scholar 2002.3-
*IT policy session at MPHPT commitee member 2002.11-2003.3
*Pop Culture Policy Project manager/ 2002.10-
*Intellectual Property Association of Jaoan promotor/ 2002.10
*Stanford Japan Center-Research Executive Director/ 2002.9-2006.8
*Nikkei Digital Core Advisor/ 2002.09-
*CANVAS Vice president/ 2002.08-
*Research Institute of Economy, Trade Industry Senior Fellow/ 2001.10- (2003.4- consulting fellow)
*Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy Visiting Researcher/ 2001.9-2003.3
*Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology NISTEP Researcher/ 2001.7-
*Waseda Unicersity GITI Visiting Lecturer/ 2001.6-2004.3
*Chuo Unicersity RUPS Researcher/ 2001.4-
*Hakui City Advisor/ 2001.4-
*AQUOS MUSEUM Curator/ 2001.1-
*Business Model Association Director/ 2000.10-
*CAMP Exective Advisor / 2000.9-
*Society for Art and Science Promoter / 2000.9
*Eccma Japan Study Group Vice Chairman / 2000.8
*LCD TV Museum Curator / 2000.4-
*Milia d'Or 2000 Awards Grand Jury / Milia 2000.2
*Shonen Knife Counselor 2000.1-
*International University GLOCOM Fellow 99.4-
*"MIT Okawa Center Project" 98.10-
*MIT Media Lab Visiting Professor 1998.9-2004.8 (Visiting Scientist 2002-2004.8)
*Sega of America Research Consultant 98.7
*CSK Advisor 98.7- 2012.3
*The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Japan 84.4-98.7
----Telecommunications Bureau
----Broadcasting Bureau
----Postmaster, Noboribetsu Post Office
----Communications Policy Bureau
----Director, Paris Office
----General Affairs Department
*Shonen Knife 81.12-

Project at MIT
CAMP Open 2000.11
Toy Symphony
MIT MediaLab 21st century (in Japanese)
http://www.media.mit.edu/ ̄mori/joypolis/futurexpress.html
MIT Center for eBusiness
MIT Okawa Center